Recent Twitters

Friday, April 08, 2005

Must... Kill... Girlfriend...

Writer's block is so frustrating it goes around the bend, and cracks funny on the back of the skull with a whiskey bottle.

I really was up at 3 am that morning trying to write ANYTHING. It's so disheartning to just sit there staring at a blank page. And oddly, it's not for lack of ideas... I have many ideas for things that I'd like to do with my comic. But when it comes time to sit down and put pen to paper... Nothin'. GRRRR!

Then comes the doubt. "Did I use up all the funny?"... "was I EVER funny?", it's around this point I reach for the afore mentioned Whiskey bottle. ahhh... Whiskey, you make everyone funny.

In other news. Like the new site design? I felt it was time to streamline it a touch. Let me know what you think guys...

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